Lego batman 2 walkthrough wii asylum assignment elevator
Lego batman 2 walkthrough wii asylum assignment elevator

lego batman 2 walkthrough wii asylum assignment elevator

Then follow the walkway towards the back of the level, dropping one of the crates to the ground, causing it to open. Work your way up using the left side of the level, locating an orange area - this is your second handhold. Now use your Batarag to start moving upwards, also using the hook in conjunction. Right, go down the stairs, and simply repel the subjects that will be thrown at you by the Riddler. A Riddler will then be displayed in the area below - follow him.

lego batman 2 walkthrough wii asylum assignment elevator

So start following it, hitting it every time it stops at some point, it will stop near the wall on the right and explode. Hit the tuba on the left wall, causing it to move. Save and proceed forward, entering the portal that leads to the Orchestra area. Then jump into the nearby hole, locating a save switch. There will remain one last, which will allow you to reach the Joker.

lego batman 2 walkthrough wii asylum assignment elevator

Now, shoot the Batarang at Harley to cause her to descend then throw another to make it proceed towards the podium. Go up the stairs, jump on the statue on the left, throw the objects at Batman (visible near the area below). Fight the enemies there, then return to Harley Quinn. However, before going up the stairs, we recommend that you observe the surroundings of the dining room. To do this, you will have to press the B key or the circle key respectively. So watch the bricks on the ground "hopping" surrounded by flashing halos - these are bricks that can easily be "built". In general, this type of "points" proceed in a specific direction: you can therefore use them to understand where to proceed. So try to repeatedly destroy the tables and chairs visible in the surroundings, causing the release of several "points" - within the game they are called as "Stud", and they will allow you to get a special prize at the end of each level. Start quickly eliminating the opponents running down the corridor. There may be divergences from the Spanish version and / or for other platforms. The solution is based on the US version of the game for PlayStation 3.

Lego batman 2 walkthrough wii asylum assignment elevator